Dragon Hunter Exhibition
Norwich Playhouse Gallery (map)
1-28 February 2014 (10am-Midnight)
Admission Free.
The esteemed Victorian dragon hunter and trophy collector Col. Augustus Viper returns to Norwich Playhouse for the 2014 Dragon Festival. As well as old favourites, new examples of dragons have been unearthed for public display by artist and curator Matt Reeve. An exhibition of dragon sculptures and cryptozoological fossils.
For enquiries to purchase artwork please use the contact form here.
Fossil Making Workshops:
Norwich Playhouse Playroom (map)
Sat 15th Feb. 2014 (12pm and 2pm)
Sun 16th Feb. 2014. 2pm
£5 Per Child
Thank you for your interest. I am still replying to a large number of emails, and will get back to you shortly. For future workshops and more information visit FossilMaker.com
Make your own fossil dragon, dinosaur or monster! Artist Matt Reeve will help you sculpt a prehistoric piece of art in this creative workshop for children. Using custom stamps and tools you will be able to create a mould from which the artist will cast your very own fossil to paint and take home.

City of Dragons
“Between the rooftops and the spires the city’s dragons play. They flap and crawl and climb about and frolic every day.”Illustrated by Matt Reeve, from an original poem by John Simpson Wedge, City of Dragons tells the tale of Harry, a young boy who realises he can see dragons that others can’t.
Reading and performance:
John Simpson Wedge will be performing readings at the Norwich Castle Museum on Saturday Feb. 22nd at 11am,1.30pm and 3.30pm. Entry with admission to the castle.
Buy sculptures and prints

Dragon head sculptures from £150.00
Framed fossils from £45.00
Postcards 50p each or £2.00 for a set of 5.
All enquiries here.
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