GoGoDragons: Patch, Vroom Vroom & Aurelia

The GoGoDragons have finally hit the streets of Norwich and I can reveal the three designs I was commissioned to create for the summer Wild in Art event.

Patch sponsored by solicitors Ashton KCJ
Patch sponsored by Solicitors Ashton KCJ

The inspiration for Patch was sew simple a concept, it was tailor made to be a GoGoDragon. Once the idea was sewn, it was pretty simple to iron out. Don’t think this dragon is a knitwit, because he’s right on the button. With a great sense of humour he’s not all he seams, he’s sew funny he will have you in stitches!

Vroom Vroom sponsored by Dingles Motors
Vroom Vroom sponsored by Dingles Motors

Setting the sky ablaze, VroomVroom is a dragon riders steed of choice. Travelling at 0-60 in a beat of his wings and a roar of his engine, this fellow is sure to be the envy of all at the racetrack as well as the gymkhana! In the belly of the beast is a souped-up hydrogen fuel cell engine with 1001 BDP (BREAK Dragonpower). Why not take him for a test drive today? (One careful female owner, full service history, mint condition, lovely runner.)

Aurelia sponsored by Marks & Spencer.
Aurelia sponsored by Marks & Spencer.

Aurelia (a name meaning ‘golden’) is a resplendent and sophisticated dragon who enjoys the finer things in life. Her glossy black coat is decorated with Art Nouveau inspired designs and stylised bramble scroll work, and her gilded belly and claws match the lustre of her closely guarded golden hoard.

Break Charity
Wild in Art




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