Animation Workshops : Conegliano, Italy

I’ve been running a two week long animation course in Italy on behalf of The English Experience. It was provided for the two senior classes at the summer camp held at the F.Grava School, Conegliano, a city approximately 40miles (67km) north of Venice.

Students teamed up and formed six different animation companies in order to create their short films. assigning roles of director, producer, researcher, script writer and designer amongst themselves.

The final stop motion films produced by the Italian teens were excellent and included gory plasticine tales of the true story of Henry VIII wives, a tragic spaghetti-western and a comedy horror where teenagers at a party are murdered thanks to their unfortunate allergies.

Thanks to all those involved in making the course such a success, staff, students and co-ordinators. Special thanks to Max Dovey for his assistance in delivering the course.




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