A short film about Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Swirling video projection

I’m very grateful to the NNAB and The Forum for giving me the opportunity to create a large custom video work exhibited to the public for two weeks in May. ‘Seeing Things: A short film about Charles Bonnet Syndrome’ has been commissioned to accompany the exhibition of artwork highlighting the little known condition.

CBS fireworks
Many interviews described seeing coloured blobs, lights, fireworks and Catherine wheels.

The 8 minute animation consists of two HD videos that play simultaneously, aligned horizontally to each other at 90 degrees, projecting into a specially made ‘corner’ shaped screen, each measuring 2 meters high and 4 meters wide. The viewer is positioned within this right angled space creating a more immersive experience.

Deer hallucination
A CBS sufferer describes how a herd of deer silently stampeded through her livingroom.

The film is narrated by Dr Dominic ffytche, reader in psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience at Kings College London, who explains some of the key points regarding the syndrome. This is presented along with audio accounts from the actual sufferers themselves and animations illustrating these, covering the many categories of hallucinations reported.

The exhibition was attended by over 10,000 visitors during the two week residency in the Forum Gallery from 30/4/18 – 13/5/18 and was covered in a special report by ITV news for which I was interviewed.




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